Pineapple to soft and smooth skin

Pineapple fruit contains vitamins A and C as a powerful antioxidant to remove dead skin cells, accelerate the process of cell formation as well as remove the stain. . Pineapple fruit also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain which merit assist the formation of collagen to keep skin supple and is always young.

Skin care with a pineapple is suitable for skin that looks scaly. Caring for the skin by using ingredients from the fruit of pineapple is very easy. Peel 1 / 2 pineapple and scar. Use the results of grated pineapple to rub the scaly and flaking skin, either on the scalp or other body parts. Apply at night before bed, then wash the next morning. For maximum results, do this treatment every day.
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